Thursday, May 30, 2013

Gym Selfies

If you follow any fit people on Instagram or Facebook then you are all too familiar with the gym selfie. It's much like any other selfie except you're at a gym, in front of a ginormous mirror, with people in the background sometimes...watching you, watch yourself. I mean, for reals...someone is watching you check your butt out, or flex. Awkward, yes?! When I check myself out I like to make sure no one, absolutely NO ONE is watching me because then I would feel too vain. There are some that make it look fun, cute and admirable.

So yesterday, in preparation for my blog debut I thought it would be a good idea to take a gym selfie or at least have my pic taken by someone else IN the gym. I made sure I wore my tank top that showed my arms, I wore lip gloss, and since I was having a bad hair day I made sure to wear a hat (which I never do). Walked into the weight guy WAY in the corner was the only one present. That would've been a great opportunity to git 'er done. I chickened out. What if he saw me?!?! Then I found the gym owner and made small talk with the intention of asking him to take my pic. Chickened out again. I'm just not there yet!!! I can't do it. I feel completely ridiculous taking a selfie in public. So I instead of the weight room I snuck into the locker room...

And POW...

Oooh...the back is hard to get. Let's see if I can get a better one.


Nuh uh.

As good as it's gonna get.

Wait, let's try one more time at home. My 4 yr old on a chair, trying to hold steady, gave it his best shot. :)
Next time, I think I'll grab someone to pose with me. It always better with a friend!

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